Cels Forum

Web Page update (Sun Oct 24 01:13:57 1999 )

After three monthes I finally got around to updating my cel 
site. Added about 50 more cels to the site and I changed all 
the large images so that they hopefully they cannot be used 
in any way for commiting fraud. If you have any information 
on where exactly in a series a cel is from or a correction 
please let me know and I will make sure you will get a credit 
for doing this. I also always appreciate commentary on my 
commentary and potential trade offers (though, I am quite 
busy now and it may be up to a week before I will be able to 
get back to you). Also, I will be putting a for sale page in 
about a week or so, since I need to get the money to pay the 
deductable for the wreck that I got into while coming back 
from AWA.


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