Cels Forum

Food for Thoughts... (Sun Jul 11 09:30:52 1999 )
An Observer..

Is it just me, or does anyone notice a pattern when such
long, lengthy, and touchy -- if not delicate subjects come
out, there is always one person (usually an annoymous 
person who posts--not always but _usually_) starts the 
flaming and that the flaming then increases and the people 
become much more cynical and bolder in their "insults" and
the posts become much more heated? Then eventually, a 
reasonable person finally realizes how these flames can hurt
the "victim" and defends this victim -- then soon everyone 
follows suit? Either way -- there's the leaders of the 
flamers and the "protectors" and there are of course the 
sheep who just agree with whichever side just to get into a 
conversation they don't know all the facts to. Maybe all 
the "sheep" out there posting should stop echoing as much,
and stand up for their real opinion instead encouraging 
these flames?   

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