Cels Forum

Calm after the hurricane. (A.C. Info) (Fri Oct 22 09:43:39 1999 )

Well after going through about 200 emails in the past
2 days.  (and orders are STILL coming in)  I'm happy
to say 99.9 percent of ALL orders have been confirmed
(and in many cases denied).

About 80 percent of all the new Ranma cels were sold
very early.  A few sections are sold out. (such as
Utena, MKR, Kenshin, etc.)  And Yadda Yadda Yadda.

I've updated all the pages to represent what is on
hold.  I may have missed one or 2, let me know if you
notice any.

I'd like to thank everyone who ordered.  You have all done
a wonderful job not to confuse me.  ^_^ (not too much 
anyway) But thanks to everyone, I have surpassed my expected
sales, got the site completly de-bugged, and got one
hell of a headache.  :)

Its 1:00 A.M........do you know where your cels are?

Thanks everyone!

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