Cels Forum

Re: Re: When will you post new cels Yann? I guess you picky! (Thu May 20 08:45:02 1999 )
Yann Stettler

Hmm, let see... I finished working at around 6pm and
headed straight on to a meeting in Geneva (just made a
small stop on the way to check new leased line status
with the electrician). Finished the meeting at around 9pm
then back to Lausanne at around 10pm. Got an email saying
that they may have to cut the power again today or
tomorrow so I changed or DNS and cache/proxy configuration
to use a peering as backup connection in case that
happen. Informing our customers that there may be
some disruption of services. As it was more than 1am,
I went to sleep (after all, I have to wakeup at 6am30
to go to the office : 1h45 of travel to go there...)

So, yes, sorry if I didn't answered...
Now, to come back to your original question, I will post
cels this weekend _if_ there is power and I can use my

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