Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What's up with Pocket? (Fri Apr 23 18:50:20 1999 )

If you don't like their customer service then don't buy
from them.  I personally have always found them to be
very polite and helpful despite the fact that sometimes
it takes them a while to get back to people.  They are
trying to help fans by selling sells to us and I think
they are doing a good job considering they don't speak
english.  I am sure they want the money fast so that when 
they go to the post office they can send everything at once.
I would also like to say that "tarzn speak" is really rude.
If you tried to speak japanese do you think you would sound
good to them?  They are trying, have you ever tried to 
communicate in their language?  Unless you have you have no
right to complain about their broken english (take it from 
someone who speaks broken japanese)

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