Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Free auction (Thu Apr 22 02:23:27 1999 )

                 Now, do you believe that many people bid realy the
                 higest amount they are ready to pay even if the
                 current bid is much lower ? Personaly I don't think so.
                 Many people bid. But when they are outbided, they may
                 probably bid again slightly higher. And if that's not
                 enough, probably they will try again slightly higher...
                 That's why many people wait as long as possible before
                 placing their bid. You suddenly have many bids during
                 the last minutes.

Add to that the fact that if people do this, it would then be
cheaper to bid at the end.  Instead of having people constantly
bidding up your bid, if you wait until the end, it's still pretty
low and probably a lot lower than if people still had the chance
to keep upping it a little.  However, I have seen some auctions
where it does peak out right away.

Anyway, I think this 'feature' is certainly very interesting.  I 
would guess that it could be 'fairer' (What is 'fairer' anyway? 
Who's to say who deserves the item the most?) but I'd like to see 
it in use first.  These things sometimes have surprising resulting

Oh yeah, and thanks Yann, for writing an auction even though you
dislike them.  ^_~

~a lot bit sleepy, forgive the incoherence~

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