Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Get together at Anime central v. Ryoko cels (Sat Apr 10 00:02:20 1999 )


>> I am looking for grade A.

Everyone judges cels differently.  A grade A to you may be be
a grade D to someone else.  Personally I look for cels that 
are interesting.  A plain portrait shot of lets say Inaho, may
not always do the trick, though I do find her "hot".  ;)

>> If the begging bothers you that's your prob.
   Some of it was tongue in cheek.I try not to judge others 
   so I am not one to tell you how bad it is to whine and preach
   for it does become cel collectors;)

Actually, it's not the actual "requests" that become too much,
it's the groveling and the repeat groveling... 
I'm not judging anyone either, it just seems a bit juvenile to 
me how some people have been behaving of late.

>> I found in the past many 
   people do part with their so-called cherished cels so 
   sometimes it works.

In all my years of cel collecting, I've seen way too many people
part with their so called "cherished" cels, only to heavily regret
it later.  So, by keeping that in mind, I would never in good 
consience be able to even ask.

Well, I hope you find the Mosquiton cels you want soon.  :)

Metaphor (who's had way too much coffee and way too little cels)

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