Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Unsticking cels (Wed Mar 17 03:31:55 1999 )


       I have some detailed questions.  First off, what condition is
       the pencil sketch left in? 

The pencil sketch was fine except for the usual bits of color
from the paint (not the paint itself) that you get on even unstuck cels.
       Is it covered in a layer of paint?

       Can you see bits off paint all over it?  
No. You see some of the color transfer from the paint (think of 
if you write with a pen on one piece of paper and then set it 
against another sheet of paper and there is some transfer of the ink.

       Is it obvious that it
       was once stuck to the cel? 

No. Although it is obvious that it was stored with a cel 
as a result of the previously mentioned color transfer.

       Is the sketch bent, rolled or otherwise

No. The paper is completely intact.

       Second, I assume there are no holes in the painting of the cel,
       but do the globs of the paint shift around from what they originally

No. You do not melt the paint entirely, merely soften it so 
that it does not adhere to the paper so strongly.

       Is the cel in any way warped?  

No. The cel is not warped or bent, as the heat was not sufficient 
to affect the acetate.

        Did you do this in mid-air
       or with the cel on top of a table or something?

I laid the cel face (acetate) down on a flat towel. I applied 
heat to the back of the paper until warm, then gently lifted the paper edge and 
aimed the blowdrier down so the air was running along the paper 
and focusing on the place where the paper met the paint rather than on the acetate.


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