Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: MANGAYA NEWS : ALL LOVE FROM JAPAN(^_^) (1st) 1/2 (Sun Feb 21 21:02:02 1999 )

Fuzz @fuzz.net


Hold up just a sec,  I have no need to defend a direct 
competitor but as someone who has lived in Japan for quite
 a few years and understands at least the smallest bit 
about the communications problems between Japanese and 
non-Japanese.  I can tell you,  You are being very rude. 
 You have made your point and I happen to agree with you 
that offering a cel at a price and then auctioning it 
afterword is not right.  Even Han from Mangaya said that he 
had made a mistake in doing this. Now, Let me tell you what 
I do not agree with, verbally beating up on them.  You have 
made your point.  Are you so blind you don't see that you 
are working against your better interests here?  From what 
I hear these people are bringing you high quality stuff.  
Do you have something to gain by driving these folks out of
 the market?  Because that is what your doing.  It is very 
difficult for Japanese to deal with the "Abrasive" way most
 western cultures interact with each other.  Where you or I
 might just tell each other to "F*%$ off" the Japanese way 
of showing discontentment is much much more subdued.  You 
are coming through here like a bull in a china shop.  Now I 
realize that you might be very limited in your experience. 
 You may only have never been exposed to any other culture 
than your own, but there are people on the internet from 
all over the world.  Learn some manner or at least be a bit
 more culturally sensitive.

David "Fuzz" Davis   

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