Cels Forum

Re: Web Page HELP?? (Wed Jan 6 00:30:36 1999 )

Well, my website isn't like Yann's, but there are a few basic
things you can do to any page to make them faster.  (Though, I
haven't been doing to well opening my mouth/keyboard lately
so you might want to get a second opinion ^^)  You can
first scan your images and save them as more compressed jpg's.
However, then you start to lose on image quality so you have
to gauge the trade-off yourself (size, compression, image quality)
all together.  Also, making thumbnails is a good idea because
they're smaller, they should load fast, and people can choose
what images in the series they want to see in a larger size.

I don't know anything about HTML editors, so I suggest reading
the directions yourself and deciding what to do.  I don't think 
it would be too hard to just make a big page of links to pages
of each series.  I'm not sure how Yann generates the pages though
(probably has some program to deal with that many images ^^)
I tend to just write in html myself, but I guess it's good
for something things and worse for others.  It all depends on 
how comfortable you are with using editors or the like.

Also, there are a lot of details you have to decide if you like
or not (just see the variety in everyone's galleries...they're
basically the same idea but played out in a lot of different
ways) and then see if you can emulate what you like (probably
you can) and if not, you can always ask someone directly for
help via email.


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