Cels Forum

Re: I don't mean to complain but.. (Tue Nov 17 02:42:29 1998 )

Hmmmm...it's hard to say.  As Ed Noonchester's has put up a 
lot of either rarer (Angel's Egg, Weathering Continent) or
newer (Trigun ^_^, Beserk), I can't quite say.  I don't follow
prices for a lot of the other series they carry, but the prices
seem in the generally usual range for cels on the internet.
I can't really make a judgement without knowing the more about
the cel.  Perhaps they're end cels they are multi-layered or
bigger than normal or come with extra stuff.

I have to say their Kiki cels and some of their not-as-nice
cels seem a bit high, but compare their Nadia cel to the one 
at Anime-cel.com for the same price.  Their's is _much_ nicer.

I think all galleries/cel shops tend to have series that they
overprice, series that they price about right, and series that
they underprice.  Not even the experts always know what to 
charge.  And yes, some stores are skewed more one way than the
other.  Plus, with some of the recent net-buying (dare I bring
up eBay again), perhaps some dealers are getting the idea that
they should price things higher.

I would keep watch and see how things normalize.  Always, free
to comparative shop ne?  


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