Cels Forum

FOLKEN-SAMA!!!!!!!!........?.....and Ryu? (Fri Oct 16 02:10:17 1998 )

Hee, hee, now that I have your  attention, I'm still in my unending quest for more Folken cels (I can never get enough of him) so if you see one for sale that you think I might not know about, I'd appreciate if you'd just give me a hand and let me know. Also, if you have a Folken for sale, or one sitting in your gallery that I seemed to have missed, that you'd like to sell, that you don't want to sell but want to make me envious of, want to see how much I'd pay for, or consider selling.....lemm know, puhleasse :) 

Aaannnnddd, I haven't forgotten my precious Ryu from Street Fighter. Lemme know if you see a cel of him floating around also. 

Last of all, any nice Esca cels would usually catch my eye unless I have a cel similar to it already (not applicable to Folken--I can own all the cels of him, similar or not)once again, please mention it to me.

Thanks 4 your time!
Carol ^^

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