Cels Forum

trading away Kenshin and Takahashi cels (Sat Aug 8 17:37:51 1998 )

Hi everyone,
I am considering trading away all my Ruroni Kenshin 
cels for any of the following cels:

Toshinden - Sho Shinjo. Will take Eiji or Kayin as well...

Yu Yu Hakusho cels - any and all characters, 
most wanted are: Karasu, Kurobue (movie 2), Itsuki,
 Jin and Toya. Also can always do with more Hiei, 
Kurama, Majari cels ^^ 

Xelloss (eyes open) from Slayers TRY (will only take
 cels from TRY, and no closed eyes please ^^) 

And thats about it ^^ The first rather evil looking
 Kenshin cel (ruroni4.jpg)I am still considering, 
and will probably not trade it unles sorely tempted. 
 Please note these cels are not for sale at any price, 
only for trade (take advantage of my insanity while it
 lasts ^^!): 
Also trading away all the Rumiko Takahashi cels, 
which includes Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura. (same 
things wanted ^^):
Thanks for reading!

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