Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Anonymous or not ? (Thu Apr 30 04:13:31 1998 )
xallarrap err Parrallax


I think having the ability to post anonymously is useful.
For any number of reasons.  Such as mr. anonymous that me and Yann are
dealing with. (which is fun yet stressful) ^_^ Or maybe the person doesn't
want to feel stupid asking a question.  

An idea whould be to make a seperate forum where all information
is visable......but I doubt it would get much attention....

The only drawback with an anonymous post is that people question the seriousness
of the post.  For example...I put up a post with the name of
Eva_controversy....hoping to stir some interest, but because the post
was more or less anonymous, I didn't get a single response.  Now if you really
want to know what I think about Gainax, be prepared to hear a lot of swearing
and naughty words... :p  But I'm not so sure Yann would appreciate that kind
of post on his forum.

By the way guys...if you seriously didn't figure out that xallarap is 
nothing than parrallax backwards...then we need glasses and an English tutor..^_^

Parrallax (Nick)

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