Cels Forum

Re: Stop fighting and just buy the damn things!!!! (Thu Apr 30 07:11:02 1998 )

Hell yeah!!!

Rarely do I ever come across a cel that I want, and someone 
has grabbed it.  You know how I do it?  No, my friend, I
havent written a program that scans for new cels, I havent
bribed anybody to hook me up as soon as they get new ones,
No, I dont even use these magic beans that parrallax sold me!
What I do is constantly check for updates.  I almost always 
get the cels I want.  I even get the cels I want from Anime-cel.com! And in the event that someone has nabbed a cel I want,
I dont bitch and scream about it, I go, 'Oh well, Anime-taro
probably has the next frame in the sequence, I'll check there.
And I'll do the same for CelMart and Mangaya. 
(i.e. all 4 have had cels from the same sequence from Rurouni Kenshin.) ^_^
Hmm. this shows also the fact that one can go somewhere else
if they are not happy.  Nobody forces you to buy cels from

I dont see why people have a hard time with this system of 
buying cels.  If you're too late, you're too late.  There 
are plenty of good cels out there.  The joy of cel collecting
is to be able to find cool stuff.  I myself have only been collecting
for 3 months already.  I have learned a lot about the hobby,
and found my niche in it.  My advice to people who want what
they havent been able to get, is to do your homework.  learn
the patterns that people have, and use them to your advantage.  
If it doesnt work, find another plan. everyone can get one that works.

well, now that i got some more stuff off my chest, 
Does anybody have any cool Rurouni Kenshin cels that arent
Kenshin, Yahiko, Kaoru, Sanosuke or Megumi? ^_^

-Kur0ryu (another Nick)

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