Cels Forum

Re: HELP-non cel (Fri Oct 8 04:57:42 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

I am sure that you are not the only one on Yahoo that this has
happened to and I'm sure that since it cloggs Yaho's servers,
that they are well aware of it.  Apparently they didn't catch 
it in time to stop it from going to everyone's mailbox.
Is there a setting on Yahoo that you can set to prevent emails
from certain email addresses to reach your mailbox? 
A similar thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago, but it
wasn't the quantity of mail I got it was one single email that 
was about 200meg that contained nothing but the sender's recipiant
list.  I had to delete my in-bin in order to get it off my computer
as everytime I tryed to delete the single message it crashed Netscape.
Good luck!

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