Cels Forum

Collection Close to Saturation Point: Wishlist (Sun May 7 16:42:23 2000 )


Hello All

My collection is finally close to its saturation point, 
meaning once a get a few more good cels to round out my 
collection, I'll start selling. Actually, even if I don't 
get some more good ones I'll still start selling just to 
make room, but here's to hoping.

Mine Wishlist:

* Tenchi OAV cels:
	*-Washu in old-school uniform (not ep12 cadet
		uniform) or professor get-up (ep10)
	-Ayeka (1)
	-Ryoko (1 - optional)
	-or together (!!)
	-Yosho (especially ep13 version ^_~)
	-Tsunami (unlikely!)
	-Believe it or not, I like Ryo-ohki but I'm not
		a huge cabbit fan; still, a full body 
		shot would be worth looking at, or a 
		shot of her with a carrot, not one of those
                cels with her as a speck.

* El Hazard OAV series 1 cels:
	-Jinnai mad laugh (full cel preferred)
	-or Jinnai with Bugrom
	-Makoto in the princess disguise (wearing Ura 
	-That funny lesbian girl, preferably attached
		to someone ^_~
	-Facial shot of Ifurita (unlikely!)
	-Fujisawa, preferably beating something up,
		or with Miz - full face, closed eyes OK

* Hakkenden OAV cels:
	-Cels from the first three episodes only.

Fushigi Yuugi: (TV)

Ranma 1/2:
	-P-chan (by himself, or attacking Ranma, etc.)
	-Ranma and Akane together

Angel's Egg:
	-Closeup of the man or girl, or together; key.

* Trigun:
	-Vash the stampede (typical getup only, eyes open)
	-Vash with a squishy face

Please Save My Earth:
        (Not released to market? Were the few scattered
         on the internet a while ago stolen or something?)

* Kodomo no Omocha:
	-Hayama and Sana-chan (unlikely!)

* Rurouni Kenshin: (TV)
	-Kaoru beating Kenshin up
	-Kenshin all squishy

The Hobbit
        -Any of the good guys. Bilbo.

(Ignore the last one, I've given up on that.)
The ones with asterisks are ones I'm actively looking for - 
as for OAV Washu, I'll always be looking for her even after
the saturation point. I know, the ones I listed are pretty
much impossible to find now ;_;  -BUT-   I prefer monetary
compensation (that, and I don't have my scanner yet), but 
note that I won't pay more than $100 except for a great cel
that's key/OP/ED (i.e. A1 etc.) or grade A, or very rare.

To contact me privately, just remove the obvious from my
email and shift everything right one. Either post your 
pictures on your site, this site, or you can attach, but
my PINE account is getting damn full...

Probably this month (May) I'll start selling Tenchi (Washu), 
El Hazard (OAV1 Ifuritas - no, I'm not mad), Ranma (Ryouga),
and Hyper Police (Sakura and Natsuki) cels on EBay.

(My scanner is coming next week; if you reeeeaally want to
trade, we might work something out.)  

Gomen-nasai for the terribly long ramble!

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