Cels Forum

(semi-ot) Xelloss's staff, and the usefulness of cels. (Thu May 4 05:59:51 2000 )
Karen Stevens

Here's a pic of Xelloss's staff, along with one of the cels
I modeled the staff off of =) The staff is actually about 
the color of my hair, but the semi-glossy paint made it look
almost tan with the flash. To avoid getting yelled at for
posting a non-cel pic, I merged the image of one of the
cels with the staff,as a comparision. All in all, it didn't
turn out that badly. The cels were very useful as models =)

Also, this staff is very useful since I fell down a flight
of cement stairs yesterday, and hurt my knees pretty badly
=| (not to mention my hip, neck, head...) -_-; At least I
managed to avoid breaking any bones, and I got some cool
cels in the mail to look forward to ^_~ I do get some
strange looks carrying this around the dorm though. Oh well.

TTYL, and happy hunting!


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