Cels Forum

Re: Re: anyone tried ironing it? (Fri Apr 28 06:32:22 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Actually, that would probably work really well. . . But
you'd most likely want to iron it while it was still wet
for the best effect. Iron it until it was dry using a very
low heat setting and making sure to keep the iron moving.

Hmmmm. . . I have a blank piece of official pencil sketch
paper. (Does that stuff have a name?) I'm bored. . . I
think I'll go try dousing it and ironing it and see what
happens. I'll split it into three pieces: one I will iron
from wet to dry, one I will iron after it is mostly dry,
and one I will stick in the freezer (as per the below
message). This should be interesting! ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (fetching the results and returning in a bit. . .)

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