Cels Forum

Someday darnit! SOMEDAY! (Sat Apr 29 07:25:09 2000 )

Someday I will have a cel of Garline. Of all the things on 
my Miyu wishlist, he's the only one I really want that I 
don't have. (The Larva from ep 3 is kind of secondary).  I 
already bugged drac privately but just needed to vent a 
little.  However I'm determined to do it in a postive tone.
(This hobby gets too depressing otherwise) 

I WILL get one, I WILL get one.  *holds up a fist towards the camera in a dramatic pose* I swear it! 

(I couldn't have been more than 10 minutes later in 
ordering that same cel) Thanks for putting up with my short 
ramble all! I just felt that if we were all going tp ooh 
and ahh over the admittedly drool-worthy cel, I had to get 
mine in as well!  *waves happily* 

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