Cels Forum

Re: To whomever got the OAV Eagle on Asylum... (Sat Apr 15 04:04:06 2000 )

To all who wanted the Eagle OAV cel at Asylum~hi~~I was goin
to get the Eagle cel since Curt promised me but I gave it up
to a woman who waited until 5am for Curt's update~I would have
been happy w/it but I think she would have NEVER sold it even 
if offered $800...still I hope this shows everyone that 
sometimes you got to give it to someone who goes to extremes
to get that 'perfect' cel. God, I sound really snotty~ ^-^
Just wanted to let ya all know that you wont hear from that 
person since she went to extremes to get it in the first place
tho I dont think i would buy it just for 'profits'...I think 
that people like her really show that people have been waiting
for the 'perfect' cel....I may be crazy....

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