Cels Forum

Cel Spoilers Re: Re: Homepage, cels, rambling. (Tue Apr 18 06:44:00 2000 )

Spoilers are a definite risk that one must take when looking
at cel galleries and dealers.  I hate spoilers, but I feel
that some things deserve a little description, it's just
such a thin line sometimes.  Still, I have to feel bad for
the people who may be enjoying a series and collecting cels
from it, but may not be far enough to see a cel marked "SAKURA'S DEATH SCENE!!!" or something.  A friend of
mine likes to mark any spoilerish events (deaths, major 
changes, mistaken identities... anything big) with maybe
the episode number or maybe "If you've seen the series/this
far, you know where this cel is from," after all, not all
spoilers are sad (I would caption a very happy cel with
that, if only I had the cel -_-;;)  Perhaps people wanting
to sell special scenes could say "email me for description
of special scene (spoiler for X episode)" and let people
choose if they want to be spoiled. As for visual spoilers,
some death scenes could be taken as "Hikaru injured" but I
guess some pictoral spoilers are just inevitable.  Ah, I 
see I've been rambling too, how appropriate ^_^

Power to all Trowa fans ^_^  I have two Trowa cels in my

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