Cels Forum

Re: Speaking of conventions.... (Thu Apr 13 00:48:02 2000 )

I will be going to Anime Central for the first time this
year - decided to when heard Lodoss Creator Ryo Mizuno
was going to be there.

At cons 3 years ago had no problems seeing cels at tables,
but now there is more interest in cel collecting - so may
have to wait patiently at tables to see all the cel books
as there are more collectors now.

My advice is go fairly early the first day, but only buy
the cels cann't live without.  Other items/cels may 
show up later that you want and its good if still have
money for them.  Also, if there is a specific show looking
for, ask dealer if has anymore cels from that show - as
sometimes they will have oversized cels or more celbooks
not on display.


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