Cels Forum

Crazy Request - Looking for a particular cel (Mon Apr 10 14:45:40 2000 )
Brandon Carey

Hey everyone, 

A while back I came to this site with only a minor interest in cel collecting. But after I had taken a look through Yann's collection my minor interest turned into a full fledged hobby - but it was all because of one particular cel. (Ifurita from El Hazard, looking over her shoulder.) Unfortunately, as I was looking through his collection yesterday it was ....*gasp* ...no longer there. It turns out that (to my horror) he had a good offer on it and traded it. 

So now, my hunt begins. I'm willing to pay top dollar for this particular cel, it's like the center piece to my collection and it's missing. IF ANYONE can help me find this cel I would be eternally in debt, and if the person that now owns it will be willing to part with it I'll definitely hook him/her up.

Please take a look at the image:


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