Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Update at Noriko's (Sat Apr 1 00:35:21 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


My mother always told me two wrongs don't make a right. . .
Let's please not make private e-mails public. . . (*concerned
look*) That creates hurt feelings all around.

In Yann's corner: I had no doubt in my mind, even before I
read the above, that Keep Track was originally something
Yann set up for *himself*, not for us (meaning other
collectors) and not for dealers (although it does help them
sell cels). I have no problem with knowing that the sites
on the "front page" are the ones he frequently shops at - I
wouldn't expect differently. It is out of generosity that
he makes it public for us to use.

In Noriko's corner: It must seem like a disappointment to
be moved off the "front page". However, I honestly don't
think this will hurt you in the slightest. First of all,
you have quite a number of people who know your site and
will actively search you out. Secondly, regarding people
who don't already know you, there is no other collectors
group I have seen more willing to turn over any and every
stone, dig down six feet (oh look! cel tree seeds!), or run
across fire to find the source of their passion than cel
collectors. Page two may seem second best, but it will
definitely NOT be missed by such a rabid group as we are. ^_-

Let's just be glad we have enough "English" online cel
sources that Yann *does* need two pages, instead of
complaining about who is on the second page. ^_^

You won't lose my business, Noriko. . . I just have to save
up for my next order. (And I hope it's still there once I
do!! *sweatdrop*) You know what I'm after. ^_-

Many Sharp Smiles,

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