Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yahoo (Sun Mar 12 12:18:45 2000 )
Yann Stettler

You mean that people usualy get the information needed
when the banks are still open? That they go immediatly
to the bank? And that the bank do the transfer immediatly ?

Because that's the only way to do it in 1 day and not 2 days.
Very unlikely...  (especialy when your auction end
at 3am :)

In my experience, this happen very rarely. Most of the
time, people will get your email the evening when
banks are already closed. So the transaction _won't_
be done before the next day.  (that's what I mean by
2 days).

Believe me or not, but whatever in Japan or elsewhere,
banks don't do such transaction while they are closed. It's
postponed to the next open day.
So 2 days...

Yann Stettler

PS: And if 2 days is so very slow for you, then don't
sell on auction : if you can wait 2 weeks for the end
of the auction.... you can wait 2 days to get the money.
Everything is relative...

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