Cels Forum

Animazement Cel panel (Tue Feb 29 19:53:53 2000 )

Wanted to let anyone know that was going to animazement that
there will be a cel panel at the con on Saturday, March 11
at 9 AM. We mostly will be talking about the basics of cel
collecting and providing examples of the process and of 
different types of cels, but there will be a question and
answer session where we can field more advanced questions.
If you are interested in joining the panel, drop me an 
e-mail. We can always use more people.

There probably will also be an informal get together to talk
and trade cels at some other time during the con, but no
time has yet been picked. Keep an eye out on the bullitin 
board at the con and I will try to post up the location 
and time as soon as it is decided.


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