Cels Forum

Re: In Responce to Marcus' Comment. Most won't be interested. (Wed Mar 1 02:57:36 2000 )



If you are really trying to work on this problem, I can 
give you some advice.

I was involved in a project a number of years ago dealing
with video tape. The tape stock at that time was magnetic
material on acetate tape, mylar & polyester are now used.
The problem was tapes that were shot in the Arctic, then 
sent to NY for editing had a very high rate of magnetic
oxide peeling off (as well as labels and other things), 
making then useless. 
What we found was that there was very little problem with
bringing the tape stock down to -60deg, but raising the
temperature was the problem. Two things happened when
temp was raised quickly. 1) The acetate and oxide warmed
up at different rates (similar to a cel and its' paint)
causing a different rate of expansion and a shift,cracking 
and loosening between the two. 2)Because of the extreme cold
of the medium, there was also a problem with condensation.
It would build up in the space between the acetate and the  
oxide caused by the first item and loosen the oxide more. 
Here were the solutions we found that worked best. Raise
the temperature of the item very very slowly. About 5 deg
per hour (yes it takes awhile). The humidity needs to be
low, 25% to 32% this reduces the condensation.
This seemed to work very well for us, and we saved lots 
of tapes.

This is only a suggestion and NOT gospel.

Good Luck in your quest.


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