Cels Forum

anyone seen these tatsunoko / sunrise cels? (Tue Feb 15 12:07:03 2000 )

just wondering if amidst all this Valentines' cheer there's
someone who needs to sell off a cel or two ^^
(hey, worth a shot)

This time, I'm wondering if anyone has Escaflowne cels
of characters that are UNpopular, like Boris, the snake-
handling weirdo, etc, etc.... I have pics on my wantlist
(linked above). 
Oh and I'm ALWAYS looking for everyone else on that list :)

Also looking for cels of Katse from Gatchaman, either first
series or the OVAs, and nice cels from the Tylor tv series
(male characters, I've got female characters in abundance :) 

PLEEEEAAASE email me if you have anything above!
Thanks :)

-a bored collector who keeps getting to the updates which 
DON'T have anything to do with Escaflowne.... grrr.....

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