Cels Forum

Stuck Pencils: My Frozen Peas Showed 'em a Thing or Two (Sat May 13 04:48:37 2000 )


Well, I became a little obsessed with the two cels I have 
that were stuck to their pencils/paper - a 3-cel setup of 
Ranma with Akane, and a beautiful oversized semiportrait of
Po from Hyper Police, because a Trigun cel I just got 
apparently became stuck in transit. Ugh. 

Looking at my options, I decided that the freezing thing 
would be the least risky first choice. If that didn't work,
I'd try water.

Hey! It worked! Sort of.

Mind you, it's not liked the paper and cel slid off each 
other like grease. Is it supposed to happen that way? I think
I left them in there for a couple hours at least while I 
played Baldur's Gate; anyway, when I got back to them, 
they complained they were very nippy and Akane had lost her
temper and tried to beat up Vash and they all threatened to
sue me -- nah :P - You know how there are different "grades"
of cels-stuck-to-pencils? (The "first" grade being the cels
are just lightly stuck and you can pretty much pull them apart
flawlessly, leaving only a little color on the pencil.) 
Freezing apparently 'lowers the grade of stickiness' so to 
speak, so I could remove them - albeit sometimes with tiny 
piece of paper left on the cel! I don't know what to think of 
that - I'm just happy the cel paint didn't come off the paper.

Chalk one up to the cold treatment.

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