Cels Forum

UTTER TORPOR (Thu Feb 3 00:36:24 2000 )

Has anyone dealt with FanAnime Cels? Okay, I have a serious
problem. Back in September, I sent off for a Lupin III cel 
they had that I REALLY wanted. It was 120 dollars, so I went
to the post office to get an IPMO. Well the person at the post
office said that I needed to fill out the money order and send 
it to St. Louis, MO to be converted to francs (the place is in 
France). So I did all of that, and kept the receipt, and a month 
and a half passed and there was no cel. Around the time I was 
getting worried about it I found another cel on their site I 
wanted that I sent off for, only this time I asked if I could pay
in cash and they said it was fine. So I sent off the money and 
received the cel in a timely, normal manner. Well, still I haven't
ever seen this cel, and today I was going to get the money order 
refunded, but I decided to e-mail them yesterday before going 
to do that, and I haven't gotten anything in reply. GRRR! 

BTW, the money order is supposed to be sent on to the payee after
conversion. It should have been sent to the address I specified on
the form I filled out. O_o

valerie, who was happy because she got subtitled Totoro (finally,
after five years of wanting it), but now has a headache 

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