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looking for "decently" priced tasuki! (Sun Jan 30 18:25:53 2000 )
val as in val

hola, konnichiwa/ohayogozaimasu/ohayo/konbanwa(depending what time of dia it is!),
 shalom, bonjour

well, maybe i'm looking for cels.... that's about it.... all i can find are some 
tagged 100-200 $$$ and it sucks... i'm also looking for fushigi yuugi manga and 
possibley genrou's den (the book/personal tasuki manga) and wierd things like 
that... i'd REALLY appreciate it if ANYONE (see, i'm desperate...) can help me 
on my quest! 
yeah, and i know i'm a cheap sell-out by doing this, but people! PLEASE PLEASE
PLEASE go to my www page!!!!!!!!!! it's poor and lonely and phsychotic and no
one likes to go to it b/c they are toooooooo scareded... and i dont' blame them
but hey, why not.........

muchos gracias muchachos y muchachas, adios, chao, ja, and all that jazzzz
::val's friends break into "all that jazz"::

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