Cels Forum

Delays resolved, I hope. Also, looking for one cel. (Mon Jan 24 22:17:17 2000 )

Thank you all for the patience you have shown during the 
past week when I have been very sick. Soon after I posted 
here and got so many wonderful responses, I got sick and 
was unable to answer all my mail for a few days. I think 
I have responded to everyone now. If you have not received 
a response from me, please send me another email to let me 
know! ^_^
As a side note, I have taken down my wishlist page because 
I really shouldn't spend anymore on cels for a while. 
Therefore, I am posting here the only cel I am still looking 
for. It is of Achika, Tenchi's mom, from the original OAVs.
She appeared once or twice in his memories. Any of these cels 
I would truly love to have. Below is an example. I figure it 
is fairly safe for me to wish for this one because I have never 
seen or heard of one anywhere. Perhaps I will find one someday.
Again, thank all of you who have written to me for your patience.
I'm feeling better now and hope to be entirely back up to 
speed very soon.

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