Cels Forum

Re: Re: Selling not-for-profit? Re: More cels FA: Sailor Moon (Thu Jan 27 05:15:55 2000 )

this cel at a lower price, I would've ended the auction
early and sold it to you at a lower price.  I don't think
I've ever been too hard to deal with in any sale, and all
it takes is a little communication.  I adore this
character, which is why I listed it at a higher price since
I really didn't want to sell it anyway, but I would've been
willing to work something out.

        You said plainly that you would sell your Chibimoon
Peruru cel at the reserve price and you would end any auction
for the high bidder.  You said this specifically.  You didn't
say you would barter for the cels.   Since you so clearly
stated that you would end the auction for the high
bidder, but only if it had met the reserve on Chibimoon, you
implied that you did not want to sell for less.

        Since you also wrote on the forum that someone sent
an email that you also have implied is an attack because they
"implied" things, I thought any email to you would be taken
in the same, or worse, light and the same thing would happen.
I wanted a fair representation, so I brought it to the cels
forum, where your comment originated.  If you choose to see
this as an attack, I sorry. I hope that others can see that I
was trying to be plain and fair in my questioning.

        As for your cel gallery Lady Z, I don't understand
what taking it down or having it up has to do with this

        Now I'm going to reply to Anime-taro, in hopes that
if no one sees any replies to their post, it will keep them
more out of it.  First, I did not post anything from email,
everything I'm quoting is from the forum post.  Second, this
is not a debate about middlemen.  I made a clear statement to
middlemen saying I would not buy from them.  I know dealers
may not be able to do anything to stop them, but if buyers
choose to stand against them and boycott, maybe we can.  As
for rights to do with one's own cel what one pleases, I'm not
arguing that.  I asked Lady Z why what she said she was
doing and what she did are different.

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