Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Kane and Lina (Fri Jan 21 00:05:43 2000 )

As it was explained to me the character designs are supposed
to be similar for a very significant reason. Lost Universe, I
have been told was conceptionally supposed to be the prequel
of slayers series and explains where the sword of light that 
Gourry uses came from. In addition, the cast of lost universe 
was supposed to be the very distant ancestors of the slayer's 
TV cast. I believe most of the voice actors from slayers were 
also continued in the Lost Universe series making for even 
greater similarity. In watching the first 10 eps of lost universe
it seems like the converse seem more true (that this is the distant
future of the cast and not the distant past), but I really need
to see the complete series before I make such a statement.

If anyone else has any information on this, it would be
much appreciated since what I am going on is mostly rumor
and personal opinion.


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