Cels Forum

Seeking a very special cel.... (Tue Jan 18 04:29:51 2000 )
George F. DeLaMater



I am looking for an exceptionally nice production cel (preferably, but not necessarily with the douga) to frame and put in my office at work, where it can be enjoyed by both myself and my coworkers.  Thus far, I have been unable to find quite what I'm looking for.  Particularly, I am searching for a really nice, centered, eyes-open, face-forward, cute/pretty close-up of either Azalyn-chan (Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV (not OVA)), Arshes Nei (Bastard!!) or Misa (Macross: Do You Remember Love?).  I'd also include Deedlet from Record of Lodoss War in the above.  I'm willing to pay well for the right cel, but since we're talking serious money, I'm holding out for *just* the right cel - I'm not a cel collector per se, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime indulgence on my part.  If you have a cel you think matches one of the above descriptions and would consider parting with it for the right price, please contact me with an offer.  Thank you.


George F. DeLaMater

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