Cels Forum

WISH CELS/Has anyone ever even seen these?/ (Sat Jan 8 15:19:45 2000 )

Ok, am i crazy for wanting these cels or has anyone actually seen them around before?
1. ChibiMoon trying to use her attack [sugar heart attack] and have it not work.. kind of like a comedic cel. gawking or with a sweatdrop. 
2. Super Deformed ChiChiri from Fushigi Yuugi
3. ChibiChibi as i beleive she is called.. "Sailor Cosmos" [the one who gives Usagi the sword in ep 200]
4. Shu'ten as "the ancient one" or "monk" from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers
5. Super Saiyan Brolli at HIS ABSOLUTE POWER from Dragonball Z.

I cant seem to find  these cels anywhere, much less for sale. Have they ever been around but im just too new to cel collection to have seen them? 
I would appreciate any help..

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