Cels Forum

** STUPID CEL TRICKS ** (Fri Dec 31 05:55:26 1999 )


Well I was going to save this for a new years thing
but I think it might get lost in all the celebration
and I hope this will start a new tradition.  A few
weeks back Yann did some really neat stuff with mixing
characters and backgrounds to create some really fun
stuff.  I'd like it if everyone could take a shot at
creating fun or strange anime cels mixs.

Here is my creation and it is nothing more than a
cel drawing and cel from one of the most amusing
moments in fushigi yuugi.

If you enjoy this I invite you to see what fun things
you can come up with when you mix characters from
different anime series or just add bizarre backgrounds

So here is my contribution and how to know your
New Years Eve party has gone too far  ^_^;;;

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