Cels Forum

ATTN: Pocket Partners (Sat Jan 1 12:24:17 2000 )
none while my baka webhost is dead

Hello ! 

This message is for those people currently in my Pocket
Partners group.

All totals were just sent out, so if you did not receive
an email from me, please contact me a.s.a.p.!  
And if you were one of those people who contacted me but 
didn't email me your confirmation, today is your last 
chance!  ^_^  

I apologize to those for whom this message is irrelevant, 
but my webhost has been dead for the past 3 days, making
it impossible to post Pocket Partners updates on my website.
Or make any changes to the animiko site whatsoever, for that
matter. >_<
(It should be fine in another day or two after the move
to a new webhost is complete)

Thanks and Happy New Year ! :)

- Debbye
time for bed.... too much partying in Times Square.... 
need sleep..... Zzzzzzzzz........

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