Cels Forum

evil little cel pixies (Wed Dec 29 08:29:04 1999 )

Okie, for the next two weeks, none of you fabulous and 
wonderful cel dealers are allowed to post any good fy
cels for the next two weeks, cause I'm gonna be broke
after this one. :oP

I hope everyone's holiday is going well, and are
spending their kurisumasu money wisely *already spent
all hers. :D~* and yay! the christmas rush for all us
wonderful peoples who work in retail can have a break
for awhile. *whew*

Now then, lets all get along and be merry. ^^ Still
looking for that perfect Amiboshi cel, as always. It's
out there somewhere, I know it! ;.;

I'm recently starting up a new cel site, hence my
collection's gone past a total of 2 cels. *^^* Note
it's not near finished cept the fy gallery (mwuah), and
some cels posted there I only purchased a few days ago
and sorts, so I haven't received them yet blah blah
blah. Any comments or helpful advice is welcome. ^^

Happy Holidays!


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