Cels Forum

Cel.org Keep Track Abuse? (Sun Dec 19 05:54:06 1999 )

I've noticed that recently several dealers are coming up at the top of the Keep Track list  as having updated, but when I hit their page looking for new cels to buy there has been no actual update.  This has happened with Hobby Shop K several times in the last few days, but their page says the  last update was 12/10/99.  A few minutes ago it happened again with another dealer.   I'm wondering if these dealers are intentionally abusing the slick system Yann has created for us.  All it takes is reloading your page to the server to trick it into thinking you've updated.  If that's the case, it's pretty sad.   It defeats the whole point of the system.  Maybe they think it is a way to stimulate their business by getting people to their site?  Maybe it is totally unintentional?

 Has anyone else noticed this and if so what do you think?  Yann?

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