Cels Forum

Re: Re: To Mr. Stettler&other serious collectors-how much do you spend? (Mon Dec 20 04:47:35 1999 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Wow. . . How much do I spend? It depends on if I see
something I like. I have spent as much as $700-$800 in one
month or even that much a month for two months in a row,
but then can go months without seeing anything I'm after.

How do I keep the damage costs down so well on a monthly
basis? I make sure to be too picky, and it doesn't hurt
that I'm not after the same things many cel collectors look
for. For instance close-up cels where the character's face
fills the whole cel are really popular, but do ZERO for me.
I like shots that are panned back some. Also, with only two
exceptions, I only keep one cel of each character. I find a
single cel I *REALLY* like and then stop seriously looking
for that character. That way, instead of having ten decent
cels of a character, I have one ABSOLUTELY STUNNING one.

How do I afford to pick up very expensive choice cels when
I see them? I have a husband who is very high paid, so
everything I earn can go to my hobbies. Sorry. . . :)

Now I must go play on my new Dreamcast. . . Keith is
calling me - in his Japanese voice actor's voice, because
they *subtitled* this game instead of dubbing it! (*melt*)
Ah, I'm better now. ;)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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