Cels Forum

Re: Turn A Gunham cels? (Sat Dec 4 18:52:24 1999 )

In a way, Turn A Gundam looks very popular in Japan because
the magazines always have coverages about it, but it doesn't
mean the rating is high or the merchandises sell good.  
Brain Powered and G Gundam have a lot of coverages and were
the covers several times in various magazines, mainly
because its major supporter, Bandai has huge advertisments 
in those magazines.
There was a Japanese magazine article talking about the 
toy company bragging about their Turn A Gundam toy and 
model sales bombed this year.  The TV rating is low, well, 
definitely better than Gundam X or G, it gets around
2.8 in average.  At a good time slot they have, and not
many strong shows against them at the same time, getting 2.8
is quite disappointing.  Anyway, I have to agree that the
recent episodes are getting more interesting than the 
earlier ones, plus the new mobile suits they have, the new
designs look better than the earlier designs.  If I have
to hunt down their cels, I still prefer the characters than
the robots.
About Gundam Wing cels, there was a bunch selling in Japan
a few years ago.  It is all depending on timing.  When
the studio releases it, you often see a stack of the same
series of cels selling at various stores, then after a few
weeks or months of selling, they are pretty much all gone 
again, then you'll wait have to wait for the next wave.  Of
course, this only applies to the popular shows like Gundam

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