Cels Forum

Crisis, so several cels FA: Dragonball, MKRE, SM, and Hameln... (Wed Nov 3 06:20:43 1999 )
Lady Zatara

A stupid lady (who happened to be uninsured) backed into
my car this weekend.  She was driving a Bronco, I was 
driving my cute little Civic.  Needless to say, she
backed ONTO my car, and now I'm trying to scrounge up
some money to fix it.  (I'm telling you, most Georgia
drivers found their licenses in Cracker Jack boxes or
something...)  Hopefully my insurance will reimburse me,
but I'm sure my rates will go up, too, even though it wasn't
my fault...=(

ANYWAY, enough whining.  I posted several cels on eBay to
try to fix the car - most are 5 day auctions, 1 (Hameln) is
a 7 day.  

Clef (w/staff) from MK Rayearth

Vegeta from Dragonball (sobbing; dangit - I just GOT this 

Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon
Hamel, Flute and Oboe from Violinist of Hameln

(sigh)  You can go to the link above, or just do a seller-
search for "Lady_Zatara".

Lady Z

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