Cels Forum

Re: CEL BAGS!! Mylar or Polypropylene?? - URLs (Sun May 7 00:20:20 2000 )


Some people wanted these URLs I found for the mylar bags; 
keep in mind that the sizes will never be "perfect" (normal
cels are about 12.5x10.5, and movie cels are about 16.5x10.5 
inches). Also, I decided to skip the sites that used only
comic book terminology ("silver age") because they don't list
actual sizes. ! I'll try to order from one of these places,
whichever is easier to order from...  Oh, the "pure white" 
just meant the backing boards - I wasn't reading carefully.
:P  Anyone have comments about using backing boards for cels?

http://www.dandlproducts.com/mylars.htm (Mylar D)  or
(Polypropylene. Check out "Treasury", "Life", and 
"Lobby card" sizes)

(More expensive Mylar D's!! $2 a bag??!! But this site looks
like they're really selling ARCHIVAL material. 4mil Mylars
look way too expensive, but if your cels are really expensive,
I guess these may be worth it if you're not going to frame

(remove the obvious from e-mail, shift everything right.)

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