Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: QUIT YOUR WHINING!!!!!!!!--one more thing (Mon May 8 02:56:32 2000 )
Hoover Dam


There's something else to keep in mind before you harp on
people who bid exorbitantly high on auctions.  The whole
point of bidding on an auction is to bid as high as you possibly could afford in order to keep the other guy from getting the item you want, be it a cel or a piece of furniture.  It's a competition, a contest, and it's silly to expect that someone would bid only the bare minimum available to win.  Don't like it?  Don't bid on 'em.  Don't buy from dealers whose prices are more than you're willing to pay.  Let the laws of economics take care of things, and if you miss out on a cel 'cause you're not willing to pay that much for it, say "rats" and move on with your life.

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