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To clarify: the miyu cel, plus (Wed Aug 16 10:06:51 2000 )

Sorry to use the forum for what is almost 
personal email, but I have had close to ten 
inquiries about that pan cel of miyu and larva 
from the end of episode 14, and want to head off 
any more at the pass:  Yes I plan on selling it.
And in all those emails not a single person made 
a number offer.  heck it would probably be SOLD 
by now if someone had made one.  My point here, 
and this goes for everything not just that cel, 
is that if I ask make an offer, you'll get better 
results if you do so than if if you just say 
you're interested.  I'm wishy-washy, I dont know 
what I want to sell these for or I'd have them 
for sale, so please don't ask me to name a 
price.  Now I face the issue of what to do about 
that cel:  multiple people, more than one of whom 
I know fairly well, have asked me about it, 
and at this point I simply dont know who to sell 
it to, or for what.  I find myself looking at two 
possibilites: take offers, or put it up on ebay. 
I would prefer to leave ebay out of it for as 
long as possible (eventually I'm sure some of 
these cels are going to have to cross its path). 
I know at this point I can't please everyone, and 
I'm sorry my last interactions in the cel 
community are going to be to dissapoint people I 
know, but right now I'm going to go with "make me 
an offer" I'll probably be taking them on that 
pan cel for the next 24 hours or so..If anyone 
has a nice lillith cel I will give them up to 
$150 credit if they offer to trade it. 

On another note when I get home from work tonight 
I plan on making a second pass through the 
collection and putting more cels onto the for 
sale page. At this point my plan is to make two 
pages.  One will be the page you see out there, 
with cels and prices on it.  The other will be a 
gallery with the cels I plan on keeping, however 
with the exception of two cels there will be a 
link to a stupid price at the bottom (I'm warning 
people about it now because I dont want to get 
flamed).  The prices on the new gallery page will
 be unfair and way more than I paid for them, 
because I really don't want to sell off the cels 
I'm going to put there, but if someone has to 
have the cel bad enough, I can avoid the 
situation above because there will be a tangible
price on it.

*hugs to everybody*


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