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Re: Second thoughts; question about sketches in general (Mon Dec 4 18:09:40 2000 )


I think that there used to be a thing
in the olden days (okay, overexaggerating,
just at some point in the past), where the 
person(s) in line for a signature with the most 
knowledge about a series would get the 
sketch.  However, now, basically, it's kind
of random...at one con I was at, one of the
staff members chose random numbers
(each person had a number) and that person
would get the sketch if he/she could tell an
embarassing fact about the person.  I was 
just a couple of numbers away from getting a
Chiho Saito  sketch!  Oh well.  Someone got it,
and that person could choose between a
or a dedication.  Guess what that person
chose. ~_^  Chiho Saito was sketching
some in between signings.  Man, at Otakon,
I was following Ikuhara around the dealers' 
room and I was too wimpy to ask for a 
signature.  Also, I didn't have the right kind of
pen to get a cel signed, even though I had one
on me!  Then I missed every single autograph
session, and felt depressed.  Buuut...I saw 
Ikuhara, the character designer of Utena,
and someone else (forget who) on the 
skywalk, and I ran after them and got a 
signature on my Utena book!  YES!  ^_^;;;


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