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The cels... (Wed Nov 29 22:19:21 2000 )
Lady Zatara

Oh, I don't think Taro's prices are unreasonable
at all... I just can't tell myself "well, I know
you want to quit and all, but one more little
itty bitty cel of Anthy [coughcoughfor$500cough]
won't hurt anyone..."  I wish I would win the
lottery or something so I could just click away
without thought to prices - but this is pretty
much the reason why I've been trying to stop
cold-turkey.  I just can't control my clicking.
(laugh)  =)  That cel is just gorgeous, though...
and I ADORE the expression in her eyes in the
other cel (last episode I think?) but again, 
the price... you know, if Utena cels were only
under $100 per cel, then I wouldn't even need to
quit collecting and wouldn't mind saying, "Well,
one more cel won't hurt me..." But blast it all,
I ALWAYS like the expensive series'!

The Touga and Juri cel is okay, too... for
some reason, though, the position Juri's body
is twisted into just drives me crazy.  I've seen
the Juri layer several times before (several 
cels) but this is the first time I've seen the
Touga layer with it, which is kinda nice... but
the price is a little steep (in my mind) for 
a cel of characters that I own cels of already,
and I like the cels I have better when they only
have 1 character in the shot... more like a 
"portrait" I suppose...

You know, I also really like those Kozue cels,
don't ask me why... I spent the entire series
yelling "slut!" every time she walked onto the
screen, but that one blasted episode I actually
LIKED her... and although I've seen cels from 
this sequence before (where she's leaning over
Anthy), I've never seen them this nice (where 
you can see all of her head and a good part
of her upper torso)...

That cel of Utena with the blood on her sleeves
is sweet, too... great expression... you know
what weird cel I'd like, though?  I have this
THING about hands and eyes, don't ask me 
why... I would just love to get a cel of Anthy
and Utena's hands reaching for each other, just
barely touching... or even of Anthy passing the
rose to Utena's hand in the opening credit...

(What IS it about hands and eyes, anyway?)

Lady Z

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