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Re: Re: Response: My Gallery (Mon Nov 13 03:04:29 2000 )

>About the site error though... dont you think
>they were just trying to be helpfull you know...
>point out a bug? probably not everyone knows
>about the problem you posted earlier.

I'm not ruling out that it could be out of good
intentions, but it just could have been done in a
nicer way.  Again, without a name, I have to be on
my toes these days. ^_^;  Furthermore, I don't
really appreciate a big public sign that says
"your site has an error" (exclamation point) when
it's not true.  Also, if there had been an error,
some sort of useful information about the nature
of the error would have helped me rectify the
problem.  Without any information, I wasn't sure
if the anonymous poster really wanted to help me
correct the situation.  Sadly, the misinformation
is spreading.  Even now people like yourself are
calling it a "site error" when it's not. -_-;  An
email would have been a simple and more polite
solution.  There are plenty of "anonymous"
addresses these days anyway.  That way, there
wouldn't be the confusion there is now. ^^;

I was just explaining my position.  I left a name
and an email address.  I stated my opinion in a
calm method.  Perhaps you are interpreting my post
differently than I had intended?  (A common
problem on the internet ^^;;)  In the same vein, I
hope you understand that I'm just trying to
explain things thoroughly and mean you no ill

>Love your new slayers pics on the side of your
>new layout, Xellos is so cute in that picture of
>him with the glass!

Um, I think you are refering to Karen Stevens'
gallery... ^_^;;  I agree I like her new site
design though.


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